Creamy Pickle Dip

Can serve 5 people
• 30 gm panko breadcrumbs
• 150 gm cream cheese
• 150 gm sour cream
• Handful of dill - fresh or dried
• Fresh ground black pepper
• Salt to taste
• 150 grams Aldersons pickle chips
First, heat a pan over medium heat and toast your breadcrumbs until golden and crisp. Keep an eye on them and move them regularly as they burn easily.
Chop your pickles into bit size pieces. If you are using fresh dill then chop it quite finely.
Pour your sour cream and cream cheese into a bowl, then combine and paste until smooth.
Once mixed thoroughly add in your chopped pickles, dill, salt and pepper and combine.
Then pour into your serving dish, sprinkle over the breadcrumbs and garnish with several whole pickle chips on top.
Serve with croutons of your choice or as a garnish to any fish dish you like.